Loudoun Youth's Battle Of The Bands - Final Battle!

Tally Ho Theater
Loudoun Youth Inc. was established in 2005 as a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization with the mission of coordinating community resources to assist in the development of youth programs and creating leadership opportunities for Loudoun's young people. Loudoun Youth Inc. supports and develops programs that provide positive out-of-school activities in safe environments, helping them become confident, contributing members of the community. For more information, please visit .loudounyouth.org
Loudoun Youth's Battle Of The Bands
Loudoun Youth, Inc.:
Loudoun Youth, Inc. invests in the future of Loudoun by investing in Loudoun’s youth. Our programs, designed to appeal to differing interests and backgrounds, enable teens to discover their individual talents, overcome perceived weaknesses, gain confidence in their leadership skills, develop friendships with peers also striving to achieve their fullest potential, gain insight into challenges and opportunities faced by our country, and realize the impact they can have on their own community.
Loudoun Youth, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization established to coordinate community resources to assist in the development of youth programs and to create leadership opportunities for young people. We seek to:
- Provide diverse programs that empower all youth in Loudoun County
- Support and develop programs that provide Loudoun teens positive out-of-school activities in safe, nurturing environments
- Help teens become more confident and contributing members of our society
We accomplish this through community partnerships with organizations and agencies including: Loudoun County Parks, Recreation, and Community Services (PRCS), Loudoun Youth Advisory Council (YAC), and the Advisory Commission on Youth (ACOY).